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Electric quadricycle

Paxster Cargo

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PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle features

The electric quadricycle PAXSTER CARGO is the ideal vehicle for the last mile logistics. It works like an electric motorcycle but with performance more similar to that of a small van. Its small dimensions, together with its ergonomics and agility in urban areas, make it an ideal vehicle to be electric vehicle with high productivity and cost-effectiveness for delivery, as well as for maintenance and serviceas well as for maintenance and technical assistance services.It has a total cargo space of 1.000 liters of capacity, being able to load up to 250 kg.. It includes a 9.2 kWh battery, which gives it a 120 km range. In addition, its 4.7 kW electric motor allows it to achieve a maximum speed of 45 km/h and a surmountable slope of 18%..

PAXSTER CARGO at the best price

Maximize the performance of your last mile logistics routes by incorporating the PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle into your fleet with the best value for money. Choose the modality that best suits the particularities of your business: leasing or purchase.

Contract the PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle leasing with maintenance included. if you want to outsource your fleet management and minimize your investment. O buy the quadricycle on demand at the best price if you want to be the one who makes all the decisions.

PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle applications for your company

The PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle is the perfect vehicle for delivery thanks to its light weight and its design aimed at optimizing the last mile service of any business. It has very small dimensions, great ergonomics and agility in urban areas, stability thanks to its four wheels and is capable of carrying a wide variety of loads in its trunk. It is a completely sustainable and environmentally friendly vehicle that will maximize the efficiency of your routes without damaging the environment while offering the greatest comfort and safety to the driver. The PAXSTER CARGO electric cargo quadricycle works like an electric motorcycle with the performance of a small van, being able to carry loads of up to 1,000 liters capacity. A particularly interesting vehicle for logistics in the food delivery, parcel, industrial, public, supermarket and pharma sectors. It can provide solutions for a multitude of sectors: from internal transport between administrations or between manufacturing plants, to the delivery service of any business, ensuring the maximum quality of its products. In any case, the PAXSTER CARGO offers a fast and productive delivery service, allowing you to transport all kinds of items, with isothermal version available. A sustainable electric quadricycle with great agility, ample cargo capacity and autonomy. An innovative alternative, which includes a regenerative braking system, compared to larger vehicles with similar load capacity. Benefit from the best of electric scooters and small electric vans by choosing the PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle.

Want to know more?

Contact us now to learn more about the PAXSTER CARGO electric quadricycle. We will give you personalized advice and offer you the best solution to optimize your routes according to your needs. Achieve maximum efficiency with Inquieto.

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