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Improved customer satisfaction thanks to last mile

Entrega de paquete a domicilio

Last mile plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. It is at this last point in the supply chain that businesses have to demonstrate the quality of their service and, of course, their products. The work and costs associated with each unit sold will have been in vain if the latter fails to arrive on time and in optimal conditions to the buyer, which is why distribution is a key factor for the success of companies. All the more so if we take into account the growing supply, brought about by high demand, on the e-commerce market: users have a choice, so businesses have to stand out at each stage of their purchase process.

In this regard, the efficiency of the ordering process or the attractiveness of a company’s products become irrelevant if the delivery is not successful. Should this occur, it is very easy for the customer to regard their experience in a negative way and even express this view in a review or criticism of the business. All that effort for nothing! The thing is, as buyers, we tend to remember the bad or most recent aspects, thereby overshadowing the rest of the process and even that item which we were so excited about owning. By contrast, if the delivery service is efficient, fast and careful with the products, the end user will value the work as a whole and the business will benefit.

How to improve the delivery experience?

Valoración 5 estrellas

The aim is clear: to achieve customer satisfaction by concluding the purchase process with an unbeatable delivery service. But how can we achieve it? More and more companies are adopting innovative approaches with the intention of improving the delivery experience and thereby obtaining five stars from their customers. One of the most relevant recently is offering buyers the option of picking up their packages at the place and date that best suits them. In other words, using lockers located in all types of establishments, such as supermarkets or shops of all kinds, bus or train stations, etc., which the customer can access at any time, thereby avoiding long waits at home and offering them more independence and convenience.

Other possible improvements involve the most innovative technology. In other words, for example, tracking and reporting controls so buyers always know the current status of their delivery. With this in mind, businesses make use of apps, text messages, etc., which show their customers all the information about the products purchased, notify them in the event of delays etc. Hence, transparency is ensured and buyers enjoy more control and planning when picking up their packages. Undoubtedly a major advantage and an undoubted opportunity to curry favour with customers.

  • Select the best vehicles for delivery routes

And we have left till last the best measure for achieving an efficient, satisfactory delivery service for the customer: having the right fleet of vehicles for each business. There is no last mile without vehicles that carry out deliveries and choosing them is undoubtedly a determining factor when it comes to offering a fast service that is environmentally-friendly and adapted to the needs of each company, route and product sold. All businesses have to configure their delivery fleet, both through their renting or their purchases, thinking about their specific features. This is how they will achieve success.

In the event that a company has to carry out a lot of deliveries every day, it will need a large load capacity. But, in turn, it will require manoeuvrable vehicles which avoid interruptions and move quickly. If your deliveries are made in urban environments, passing through the most central streets of large cities, it is best to have vehicles that afford accessibility to confined spaces, avoid traffic congestion and are environmentally-friendly. So, last mile electric vehicles can become your best partner: from bicycles or electric three-wheelers, to quadricycles, motorcycles and even compact vans.

In short, there are many measures which businesses offering delivery services can adopt to ensure that this last point of the purchase process puts the icing on the cake in terms of customer satisfaction. At the end of the day, they essentially entail giving the greatest convenience to their buyers, carrying out speedy deliveries and guaranteeing the integrity of the product acquired. Do it like that and a positive review will be guaranteed!



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