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How to carry out the delivery service in cities with traffic congestion?

trafico congestionado

Home delivery in some cities can easily become a real nightmare. Traffic jams, pollution, constantly congested streets, building work, pedestrianised streets, narrow roads, restricted areas for large tonnage vehicles, environmental restrictions… This all leads to last-mile service companies at their wits’ end every day. With the wrong blueprint for the service or the wrong vehicles, the delivery times and expenses of a company may be affected by these circumstances and their products can thus be spoilt and their customers be left unhappy.

Last-mile solutions for urban areas must always bear in mind the conditions under which the routes are to be carried out. And companies must choose the vehicles that best suit them. That’s why not just any solution will do to make sure the service is successful. If delivery times are to be met and all types of streets and spaces are to be reached, however narrow they are, a solution must be adopted in accordance with the issues faced by delivery in the city.

The bicycle as a sustainable, optimising alternative for routes

The bicycle is one of the most frequently used vehicles for last-mile as it is a sustainable alternative, has very small dimensions, does not require any special licence or permit to ride it… What’s more, medium or small packages can be transported on them easily, reaching any space in short time periods, without pollution, fuel costs and barely any maintenance and usage costs. It is also very easy to transport and store it and many of them are folding. Basically, a vehicle which optimises any type of urban route meaning that any location can be reached avoiding or getting around those obstacles intrinsic in the city and offering record times.

If in addition to all these advantages of opting for the bicycle as the main delivery service of a company you add the performance offered by electrification, success is assured. Electric bicycles make the riders’ work easier, improving their comfort and safety as well as achieving lower delivery times and so the products being delivered arrive in better conditions. With this vehicle, companies can reach all kinds of spaces, circulate in pedestrianised areas, narrow streets, get round traffic jams and avoid being part of the urban pollution problem. 

The bicycle for Food-Delivery and Catering or Dispatches and Courier Services

There is an undisputed boom in Food-Delivery and the number of premises opting to offer this service is on the rise. To make this offer successful, it is vital to have a fleet of vehicles that ensure the quality of products, their proper upkeep and that they reach the end customer as quickly as possible. With the right vehicles, each distribution route will be optimised and their efficiency will be multiplied. And to achieve this, here at Inquieto we have a great team of professionals to help you and advise you on the creation and renewal of your fleet, bearing in mind your specific needs.

Here at Inquieto we offer electric bikes prepared for optimising the route of each business and to ensure the perfect condition of food, thereby guaranteeing perfect delivery to the customer. We also have trunks with various capacities in line with the requirements of each company.

As regards the Dispatches and Courier Service Sector, there is no denying that it is experiencing one of the largest transformations of recent decades. The appearance of new consumer models thanks to e-Commerce, the raising of awareness of citizens in terms of respect for the environment, technology and Internet have led companies to offer delivery services which offer the maximum efficiency on each route, optimising each process and also preserving the environment.

Here at Inquieto we offer alternative solutions and zero emissions adapted to the requirements of this sector. This involves vehicles which are smaller, easier to manoeuvre and safer, both for the environment and the rider or driver. Vehicles like the LITTIUM IBIZA electric bike.

LITTIUM IBIZA electric bike

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The LITTIUM IBIZA folding electric bike allows the maximum optimisation of delivery thanks to its small dimensions, enabling it to access any space, whether pedestrianised or roads, thereby moving faster and more efficiently in cities with high traffic congestion. What’s more, this bike can be folded to allow its quick and easy transportation thanks to its weight of 21 kg and its measurements when folded of 90 cm x 70 cm x 38 cm.

The LITTIUM IBIZA bike is ideal for delivery with a backpack. What’s more, it allows the incorporation of a trunk with different capacities and it can transport a load up to 120 kg. As it is an electric bike, it has a battery with an autonomy of up to 100 km, reaching a maximum speed of 25 km/h thanks to its power of 250 W, making it ideal for deliveries in urban and interurban centres. It can carry out entire shifts in electric mode, thereby making the rider’s work easier and improving its convenience and safety. Its maintenance and usage costs are minimal and it can be transported and stored very easily thanks to its small dimensions.

If you want to stop worrying about the drawbacks of urban traffic, opting for an electric bike for your delivery service is an unbeatable solution. Here at Inquieto we have LITTIUM IBIZA in direct sale to order and you can also hire it on a renting basis with full service maintenance for €89 a month. Get to your customers first and more easily!



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